Three days of gusty winds clocked steady at 44mph gusting to 60mph, heavy wet snow that stuck to trees, homes and the highway and today, sunshine, no wind and a temperature reaching into the 50's. What a wonderful world! A bit whacked, but wonderful!
We knew we'd meet friends today, one does at fairs setting up and visiting while there is a lull. I had met a gal 2 weeks ago, she said she'd be at the Pierre Senior Center today. Luck had it, we were right next to each other. Her sister was along, turned out they are twins and a triplet brother in Las Vegas. Betty, Billie and Bernard, they turned 80 this year. The girls traveled from Chamberlain and Reliance with drivers. Reminding me much of my own Mother, it was a joy to visit with both of them. Wishing them safe travel home, unsure when I'll run into them again, hopefully soon.
Fair vendors really need to be outgoing or will soon learn to be. If you believe in your product you'll tell anyone. It took me a bit to do just that, but now I find myself unable to stop talking. When I notice deer-in-the-headlight look in their eyes, I offer a sample from our dog dishes and say, "Try a sample!" Yes, they usually are hesitant so I eat one or two. It is a requirement to sit my booth when I need to run and let the dogs out. I have friends that'll purchase and tell approaching people, "Your dogs will love these treats!" She's fun and a good advertiser...word of mouth!
Tomorrow we begin baking Christmas items, ready for the Zonta Holiday Fair. If you don't make it to that one, call or email us your Christmas orders. Great for stocking stuffers, granddogs, neighbor dogs and for that hard-to-buy person.
The chill is back in the air, time to close the windows that aired the house today. Find supper and settle in with the kids. Thanks for your continued patronage. We appreciate you and being part of our wonderful world.
Have you hugged your dog today?
Take care friends.