Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring clean...

We got a small jump on Winter and then it reared its head and said no, but we went ahead anyway. Our prairie does us well in Winter creating the first prints in the snow.

We were given little notice, but we completely understand the decision made. Our groomer is taking time off and caring for an elderly parent. Many children, now grown adults make the choice of caring for their aging parents. Transition indeed and rewarding. So with Carlee we learned of their decision and then Buster's turn was fit into the following day. From Winter to Spring, makes for quick in and out trips.

Winter coats
to Spring February 2014!

Stay warm friends. Keep your critters well, help those that need extra help, we'll do the same.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Promoting Bab's Bites 'n Bones

We were so worried that January would be so long and now it's gone in hopes it kept the deep chill with it. The week of -25 temps was crisp. The dogs stepped out within tail's length of the door and hustled back inside. We wrapped their beds in flannel sheets and covered them with blankets. Thankful.

Afternoon nap
Today, February 1st, (Happy February 1st!) the sun made its debut and Buster wanted everything to do with outside til he shook of the ground from the chill. He LOVES outside, giving every opportunity on weekends. After all these years, we will look at investing in a doggie door. A late birthday present for him. January 21st he turned 13. He loves a warm lap, ear scratches, rides, walks, story time (we do daily) hugs and treats, of course! He LOVES our Savory Chicken treats and she LOVES both flavors.
Quick to catch dropped treats

As of recent, we have been promoting Bab's Bites 'n Bones page. We are boosting posts, getting hundred's, tipping the 1,000 mark with people looking at who we are and what we have to offer! Brings smiles and thankful words. A small monetary value has captured much attention. We are sending treats to new fur faces and their owners. It is nice to see the number of LIKES go up, with the informational content we provide about our treats that has spread the word to new eyes and shared with friends. Simply, we're tickled.

The sun has long left the sky, a new day is about to approach as we hit the midnight hour. He lays close by waiting for a warm lap that will have to wait until morning. He will sleep in the doorway of our room on a warm blanket, a spot he has chosen the last many months. Sleep well sweet prince.

Have a wonderful week, stay warm. Keep your critters warm and an eye on those that cross your path needing help. Take care friends.