Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snow trackers...

Though we have tired of the snow and the cold, we'd rather have snow tracked into the house than mud, which will soon come too. The little rocks will stick to paws, limping into the house just like the hard snow packed into those same places. The snow melts, mud slips. Buster has grown accustomed to stopping and waiting for feet and face to be wiped down, Carlee just keeps going. There's no catching her, but she's a good cleaner. Pristine feet.

So, we declare this the last snow fall of more than 2" and no more S or SE winds when it's still so chilly and no more negative readings on the thermometer. We are thankful for the sun to rise earlier, the warmth of the sun and the soon naps on the deck for Buster which he patiently awaits. Napping in a favorite chair where the sun lands works, but there is someting about surround air that cools him even if he naps on a rug. It is a dogs day and life and a scratch on the door to come in for a warm up. Just a minute.

Nose and beard full of snow, at least it's clean and clean upable.
May your critters know the fun of the snow. Enjoy the warmth of the sun!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


As of this writing, the flakes of snow are turning to itty bitty pellets of ice. We are staying put, we are prepared for this go round. The positive of this is it'll go quicker with the warmer sun and longer days. The lion into Spring.

Weekend nights we stay up a little longer trying to catch the 10 o'clock news. My thought process is if the dogs last out is at 10pm and their last treat about 10:30, they'll sleep until 6:30am. It would be a pleasant surprise, but Buster's inner clock wakes him way to early sending him back for another hour, like clockwork he shakes from sleep again just before 6am. He's up before the neighbor's rooster, that lucky guy is sleeping in!

Within these few minutes of writing, the road is white, Buster lays close by and I'm thinking hot cocoa. Stay put, warm and safe, that goes for the furry critters too.

Take care friends.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Joy of Love...

There are many loves and for Buster his joy includes smells. For instance, some time ago friends had stopped by from fishing. Buster was mesmerized, his sniffer just couldn't get enough, nearly levitating and it had remained in his territory which must've seemed forever...he claimed it his! When I heard a yell, "Your dog just pee'd on my leg." It wasn't the leg he was aiming for, but that delectable fish smell that had given him such joy and by the way, his aim isn't so good and didn't hit the leg.

So it's Valentine's Day, happy day! The Valentine's of our home got a little shredded cheese on suppers kibble and perhaps an extra treat before bed. Oh sure there are hugs too, unsuspecting to them as I scoop them close and whisper sweet nothings in their ears. Scratching their backside is always a plus, I can almost hear them say, "oh yea that's the spot, a little to the left".

Shy girl Carlee is on cleanup, as she is after every meal. She's the best little vacuum and loves every time I look in the door window or walk around the corner from the other room. She smiles with her tail. On that note, as Simon & Garfunkel sing..
Life I love ya, feelin groovy!

Enjoy life, love and laugh often.
Take care friends.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Northwest winds...

Sounds of the city disappeared when we built the cabin and they were missed, sleep was harder to come by at first. We have our own sounds and grown to love the sound of silence, there are spots throughout the day. What's really spectacular are the sounds that pierce the silence like low flying geese, from their honking to the bands in their wings; pelicans and cranes too. We hear a distant owl in the morning, a childhood sound that freightened me, now brings comfort.

Growing up near trains, it was always something I looked for when moving from a location, if the wind is just right, we can hear the whistle of the train. Buster grew up around trains and stops when he hears the distant whistle.

The Northwest winds bring their own sounds and fresh smells from the river below. They cool the portion of the cabin in which Buster has claimed his. He sleeps soundly on his blanket that came with him years ago. We washed that blanket many, many times before we got our own scent on it, placed it away for a year or two and brought it back out. Not that he'd might remember, but because it is warm. My boy.

We are blessed. We hope you feel the same with your family.
Take care friends, stay warm and always, safe travels.