Sunday, July 25, 2010


We sprayed for grasshoppers last night, our 2nd spraying this Summer. We covered a large area, no wind, perfect! Over the course of the day we've seen a few die-hard hoppers and a large hopper climbs the window screen, from my view it looks as if it is crawling up the neighbor's house. A horror flick indeed. From what I learned this weekend, the well-known spray I use will last as long as the next rain appears. It doesn't say that on the bottle, but an older gentleman I visit with at the market has much experience and I trust his word.

We baked all day and taking the night off to spend time with the kids. The air continues to run until the oven cools down. Looking forward to a good night's rest, this week will be hot, keep an eye on your pets and enjoy your week.

Take care.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Customer comments.. dog and human

We enjoy people stopping by telling us "Our dogs will only eat your treats!"; "Your treats saved my dogs life, we've spent alot of money at the vet and your treats was all he'd eat." or "We don't buy treats at the store anymore." or "I have my granddogs this weekend and heard your treats are great, so here we are!"

If you want live references, just bring down your dog, we have samples for both of you. I can also provide names of humans that have purchased our treats and keep coming back, bringing their friends or telling them about us.

Bringing to market today, the few bags we had left in our inventory, we came home with more purchases from other vendors than treats. If we want to start baking early Sunday morning, we'd better head for bed.

Take care and thanks for stopping by the market, remember we deliver locally and ship out. Til next week at Crazy Day's.

Can you see me?

Buster has had quite a month, the last few days we had wondered if he could see us. He would react to sounds, but seemed lost once outside and around the steps to the ground. We continue to pick him up and keep the boxes in the chairs.

A friend stopped by the market today asking how this all began. The vet said like a person, a dog can twist wrong. I had called the vet shortly after I gave the last dose of flea/tick repellent. Just after the 4th I called and gave her symptoms asking if it could be the repellent, a packet a step up from his weight. Was it to potent? I didn't notice in May, but it was so hot, both dogs were sluggish. The vet also mentioned that Buster was walking on the toes of his back feet, she asked if he was having problems pooping or lifting his leg which are all classic symptoms of back problems. He was poopin fine but did notice his squatting several times. My heart sunk. Is there a connection with flea/tick repellent? The vet said our next dose will be that of his weight.

He's had swelling in his back haunches, but noticed today that is better. He most likely hasn't slept well for 3 weeks because his favorite chair is not in his reach. We continue to get up in the night to check on him, tell him we love him, we'll see him in the morning and if he needs anything we are close by. Looking into his big brown eyes, we hope he continues to see us too, we pray over him and Carlee keeps an eye on him while we're at work. Buster is 9, a long life ahead of him in good health, that's our prayer. That's our prayer for all of us and all of you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A hunting we will go...

Carlee and I have a nightly ritual of hunting grasshoppers. We take our trusty trowel, walk the fence line and as we hit'm Carlee catches them. It amazes me, we can smash them with insides out and they still hop 14 times. Walking the perimeter of the house, we bag about 50. As the wind sits still for about a 1/2 hour, we'll spray again. Our ferns and hosta look ragged and they are even eating the needles off our pine trees (Peter, Paul and Mary and the Mama's and Papa's). Yes, we do name most things, we talk, they listen, we water, they grow. Life.

Happened upon a link the other day, God and Dog, if it doesn't highlight here, cut and paste into the search box, it is a wonderful 1:58 seconds long and we wanted to share.

On that note, two dogs lay closeby dozing and I think the grass is barely moving. Must take advantage and load the sprayer. Take care.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Juice, grasshopper juice...

Last year the hoppers were so thick, each step across the prairie the ground moved. Nasty, plain nasty. This year it is becoming the same, we cannot drive in off the highway with windows down or we are bombarded by jumping and flying creatures. They seem to have extra sticktuitiveness in their feet. They can ride on the windshield up to 55 miles per hour, what does that tell ya? We're bringing them into town!!!

Last year Carlee ate many, to many I believe, as this year she is simply chewing until the juice is gone and leaves them behind for us to view. Mangled and unsure what the first few were.

Catching up with mowing last night in the deep heat of 95, not a lick of wind, checking on the kids, panting, smiling and it was time for water for all of us. Most fortunate we finished last night as the humidity was high already at 6am and will continue. On that note, stay cool, keep your dogs and all animals cool with plenty of water and shade if outside.

We'll be at the farmer's market next weekend, stop by and say hi.
Take care.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slow down you're moving to fast...

Buster has been having some issues with his eyesight and judging distance, he yelped out in pain the other night that woke us in an instant and our hearts nearly lept out of our chests. Dashing to see the problem, he had simply moved from one spot on the floor to the next and maybe stretched in between. Friday the vet visited, after our description she said that he has a disc in his back that is in need of extra care.

For several weeks we are to keep him from jumping, getting overly excited and quiet, ideally, kenneling him during the day is the key, but the stress would be overwhelming. We have placed boxes in all the chairs and lift him down the deck stairs. We've been doing so for about a week, the vet confirmed...good! Last night we slept on the living room floor, both dogs very near. Buster was so close, he was touching my nose, sharing my pillow. He cried a few times in the night, we aren't giving him anything at this time, feeling the pain will remind him to slow down and less running outside. He loves to chase big trucks we are more aware and put him inside. If we simply allowed him to do what he wanted, the disc could cut his spinal cord paralyzing him. We're not going to let that happen, we will work diligently to keep boxes in chairs and lead him on a leash outside. Summer is such a great chasing season, but we want him around for a LOT more seasons for many more years.

Extra prayer sent his way would be greatly appreciated.
Buster's Mom.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Only trimming in the past around their faces, it was indeed time for a haircut. Not planning in advance to make an appointment, so I said, "lets cut your hair" out we went and surprisingly enough, they stood relatively still. Talking and singing the ABC song helps. Mounds of hair dropped at their feet and though it's not professionally done, we did very well. They continue to pant excessively, which spurred the haircuts, but we can even out hair this afternoon. My brother is a Barber, but pretty sure they wouldn't sit still for a buzz sound, we just used fsissor scissors, no sound with exception of boats and their pickups racing to the river to cool down.

No crying, just happy kids, panting, racing to bark at the next passing diesel vehicle. Cold water and a treat, gosh, can these dog's lives get any better today!!!

Pamper your dogs, from just a pat on the head to a treat, love them much for they certainly do love their humans.

Enjoy your week.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Home is where the heart is...

So our idea was to get a jump start on sanding and staining our home the past few days, but the wind had other plans. Had we held up a brush full of stain, it may have well stained the neighbor's home and I'm sure they wouldn't have liked the splattered look. We did sand the window frames and corner ends where marble sized hail introduced itself to our home one stormy night.

We have kept busy, as there is always something to do on a home and yard. The dogs love being out, but didn't enjoy the gusty winds, is there a raise of hands that did?!

We will enjoy the comforts of home this weekend as we have for the past 10. I baked 13 dozen cookies, 10 years ago July 4th and came out to watch the fireworks on my floor boards; driving "home" to a rented effeciency trying to sleep only to wake early awaiting friends with faith and muscles to raise our home.

We are truly blessed.
Safety to you this weekend, keep your animals close and
help those that need our attention.