Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Bazaar...

Another great day! New vendors, new customers, great advertising, word of mouth... in unison. People are funny and you've read it before, I love people that carry pictures of their "kids". What great fun, the bake sale and lunch fit the bill and to say thanks, we helped take down tables and chairs in preparation of their Sunday School classrooms.

Fetch with the kids at noon and everyone was happy to see each other at 6pm. After hugs and treats the unloading began. We carved out a niche in our fence line last Fall and while carrying items to our walkout basement, we decided what a great choice we made. The elbow grease was well worth the effort.

With everything counted and put away, jammies have been slipped on and the kids await a cuddle. We hope you had a wonderful day, we have plans to enjoy Sunday.
Have a great week friends.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ah, presents and more presents...

It took more than a day or week to deposit so why should we think it would take more than that to pick up. Presents arrived when the snow melted, lots and lots of them. This week, with beautiful weather and the winds subsided in the evening, bag in tow we picked up...the diligent job of poo patrol.

You know what I'm talking about, it was double duty, as we picked up deposits we also pulled last Fall weeds making room for the grass seed we sowed. Nice to see little green points pushing up through the soil. Exciting and new!

Buster is all boy, he's a scratcher, after each event he scratches the ground with his back paws and eventually digs trenches. Not all the new grass seedlings will arrive, but in hopes they do. In various places of our fenced yard lay bricks and and other flat surface items to deter the boy. We do want to see the geraniums this year and if need be, the little green fences will go up sooner than expected.

Today we opened the windows letting fresh air replace Winter air. We'll sleep well tonight. Tomorrow, if the wind blows, we'll be preparing for next weekend's Spring Bazaar. We were invited, checking the calendar, we said, "We'd love to attend your fair!" Word of mouth does us good.
'Til we see you again, blessings to you friends and to yours!
Take care.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


What was a black bag on the highway Friday evening coming home, came to life Saturday afternoon, in cat form. We were heading out for our weekend drive/walk when I hit the brakes, instinctively I stretched my right arm out to hold the kids from sliding forward. Buster hit the floor with some force. Pulling over to the shoulder
to inspect, no blood, he jumped right back up and looked out the window. My heart pounded, finding a safe place to park, Buster was shaking. So were we.

Proceeding with our walk cautiously, we ventured off the beaten path and our walk turned into adventure, so many smells, so little time! I think boy dogs are part sponge, they just don't run out of water. Getting home, I inspected both kids more thoroughly, giving a comfort pill and watched close. Buster paced the floor much into the night and ended up sick. I know that's a sign of concussion, but his eyes are clear as is his urine, no residue when he drinks water, because I thought, what if? Anything internal. I have my list ready to call the vet, he's resilient, but I'm still keeping my eye on him and Carlee has been following him around. She's such a good sister. A blessed family we are, blessings to you friends. Oh, the cat sauntered off and appeared fine. Darn cat!