Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas crackers...

in November, but Christmas is just around the corner and fur friends might be dreaming, what will they find tucked inside their stockings come Christmas! Moms/Dads, Grandma's, neighbors and friends have been inquiring, so today we started our Christmas dog treat baking, seasonal designs are popular, eye catching and we call them Christmas crackers. 
Ornaments are fun, the tricky part is actually hanging them on the tree, we suggest cupboard knobs but as a reminder...give the dog his gift when it's time!  No need to keep and shalac...give the dog his or her bone.

Our 'Barker's Dozen' is also a popular stocking stuffer, 13 small treats that fall to the bottom of the stocking, that's what happens to ours, the dogs scratch and nearly crawl into their stockings trying to fish them out, with a little human help, all is less frustrating. Our treats will soon be dry for Saturday's One Stop Christmas Shoppe. We'll sport our Santa hat and have a smile waiting for you when you stop by!
Blessings to the lost and  abandoned, help them when they come to you. Every fur friend deserves a warm and loving home every day of the year. Have a great week friends!

 Our tired boy naps soundly after supper.
 Blessed are we!

 Bab's Bites 'n Bones