Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Buster...a year gone.

March 15th, a year has already passed. Had there been an indication something sad would happen, we would have made sure Carlee was with us. In his last earthly hug, I whispered in his ear. 'You take a nap and after supper we'll go for a walk. It's okay. We love you.' So. Many. Tears. Best boy.

In this year, Carlee has stopped to sniff other dogs. She has stood up on her back feet to see dogs held in arms. 'She has lost her brother and is looking.' All these years, she hasn't wanted to be dog friends with anyone. But she looks for Buster at every turn. I catch myself doing the same.

The first few months on our walks, a Westie would cross our path. Buster was near. He was approximately four years old when I picked him up in a foot of snow and placed him in a warm vehicle, on a new fleece blanket. I stopped at the cemetery and told the folks, ''I got him.' They already new. And we headed home.  With much love to you Buster, Mom and Carlee
Just fits.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Longer Days

For us, sunshine makes up for the dark on shorter days. Looking at our new years calendar (Happy New Year!) mornings are starting to become lighter, earlier. Yay! You can search online for sunrise/sunset calendars. We drive by the hours of the sun and not by the light of the moon.

Image may contain: dog and indoorWeekends, Carlee sniffs her leash, which hangs on a closet pull within the reach of her nose. So, off we go. She is a bird dog. Her eyes scan the shores for geese and the sky for eagles. We place her in Buster's harness, and hold tight to the leash. Safety first.

Enjoy your walks and your rides. Carlee had to learn to like them, but she is the first to the door.

Watch for dogs, animals in general, help them in this cold. We continue to do the same. Enjoy your week!