Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas friends

Our elves have been busy hanging out around the oven the last week, waiting for human treat morsels to fall. We stopped shopping years ago, all our presents are baked in our oven or stove top for siblings. One size fits all. They can certainly exchange with each other, but no returns!

Mom's morsels are tasted in the making, packaged and sent, carried by postal sleighs landing Christmas Eve. From savory to sweet, more to make and why dog treat baking is taking a backseat until January 2015.

Flom Kuchen
We are happy that our paths have crossed this past year, we love your dogs and happy to meet them. Blessings to you and your family now and into the New Year!

As always, help those that cross your path that need extra help and we will continue to do the same. Take care friends and we hope to see or hear from you soon.