Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fall back...

Fall back only in changing time on your clocks. Where did the Summer go? Rounding the corner is Thanksgiving and soon Christmas. We don't wish our days away, but we look forward to Spring already. The first blast of Canadian air has overstayed it's welcome. This is January weather, maybe, just maybe our January will bring us November temperatures. It is in the power of prayer, but we all need to participate.

November 11, 2014 - Snow fox
Our crew has enjoyed the snow, but ready to come into the warmth of home. We work hard at continued good health. Playful pups they will always be and good sleepers at night. With the shorter days they eye the door as a friendly face appears in the window at afternoon's end.

Carlee has hearing like a hawk, swooped off the bed with a bark sitting in front of the door recently. Buster ran to the door, looking through the window, "Let me through, let me through." I told the man to "wait there", when getting shoes on and outside, he had left. The crew bounded out the door to check on the 'situation'. Unfound.
Oct. 28, 2014 - Lunch crew.

We will soon be done with Fall fairs, looking forward to reading a pile of books that has grown and relaxing in chair's under blankets and dogs with no need to travel.  We already gather new recipes for 'human treats' for the 2015 farmer's market. Welcoming the warmth of home, we wish you and your critters blessings of warmth and good health. We also ask that you help those that cross your path in need of help. We continue to do the same.

Take care and enjoy your week.