Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sand burrs...

Sand burrs are nasty, they hurt like the dickens when the dogs step on them as they gimp along, stop and try to untangle them. They are nastier when they get into their long hairs. I eek them out as the dogs will only stand still a short amount of time. "Trust me" I tell them. Just today a friend of mine told me to wet the burrs and they come out easier. Wet them, hmmm, a simple answer. Buster try's the bite and pull method, which hurts me to watch. He growls if I come near, "let me help you, trust me" I whisper.

Carlee, the constant cleaner..I think she's part cat, licks them out. Ah, the things I could learn from her, wet the burrs.

Sand burr plants have shallow roots from what I can tell as I keep them out of our patch of prairie, however, as a neighbor mows over them, the individual burrs can shoot a long ways and our Buster is a magnet. Long hairs will soon be short as their trims are just around the corner. Buster the magnet should be sand burr free for Fall.

In the meantime, he'll hear, "trust me". Our pets, members of our families, trust us, we need to tell them "trust me".

Enjoy their company.

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