I drove several hours in anticipation to pick Buster up out of the cold one day in January several years ago. He learned the sound of my voice, over a course of time, not knowing where he was going, but away from where he lived, trusted enough to curl up in a new fleece blanket and sleep in the warmth all the way home.
Exciting and new challenges lay ahead for both of us. The kennel turned into a hallway, which turned into 1/2 the house which challenged us as we worked on house training too. New challenge for me was to be up and out at 6am, but three months to the day he arrived we were on routine and he was trained. He has a very good bladder! We are best buds!
Brushing was a challenge, starting with once a week, being nipped at, talking softly, his treat was what he loves most in life, go for a ride! Playing fetch wasn't his forte and I didn't enjoy fetching as I did throwing. Which rolled us around to Carlee, afraid of her shadow, and Buster, wanting to be everyone's friend shared his blanket.
They have learned from each other and I from them, our next challenge is brushing, their teeth! Yes, it's true! Some of you chuckle and wish us luck, but like every other challenge we face, we start slow, together, once a week and a treat.
I'm excited, will that change?! That's the challenge...exciting and new!
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