Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn 2019

I can see from here.
Our home has seen the seasons, but we haven't fully grasped where the time has gone. Carlee has aged in joints, right hip hurts, vision diminished but she works a room like a vacuum. She. Is. The 'keeper of the treats'.

The Capital City Farmers' Market keeps us moving, meeting new dogs that drag their pawrents along. We continue to bake biscuits on weekends, dried in a few days, bag and out of a box on the floor we label, count and box. Then we page through our recipes of sweets and savors for #humantreats Have you followed us on Instagram yet?

For those that ask, sorry Betsy who was so excited about the Upside Down Pineapple Cake (thank you), we don't have set recipes for our #humantreats From Clara's Kitchen. Clara is Mom, she was super! A name seldom heard. Always beautiful. #CarleeClara

Because of the multiple dogs that visit, noses search for treats in hands, we don't have human treat samples, simply a health issue. But, we can point, give you a name and they can tell you about our baked goods for humans.

Bab's market season winds down for 2019, we will update on Facebook. Or follow Capital City Farmers' Market Pierre SD (because most states have a Capital City market). Each week details of who and what will be brought.

Thank you for choosing our treats and sharing with your furrends. We have started our twelfth year. Yes, 12!

As always, help those that cross your path. We do the same.

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