Sunday, August 12, 2012

Barker's Dozen...

From day one we wanted our treats affordable to anyone, especially kids, that could purchase a bag of treats for a dollar. We continue that today, only we've added a few more treats to the bag and call it a Barker's Dozen. Yes, a spin off of the Baker's Dozen, since we are the baker's and the dogs are the taster's it just seemed fitting!

Ellen, a smiling customer, stopped by with 2 grand kids on Saturday, the young girl could read our label and she did a great job! Each child could choose a bag of treats and did for their dogs, everyone was happy! The flip side of our ingredients is a listing of ingredients of a well known commercial dog treat, children of reading age cannot get past the first few words and nor can we. Mary, a well-known market customer, has taught her children, if you cannot read the label or understand after the first 5 ingredients you shouldn't eat it. We agree!

We have been reading labels for years, if we pickup an item that doesn't have a label, we ask, from church bazaars, local bake sales to farmer's markets . If the  provider cannot provide, we suggest and thank them. As we've gotten older we've become more allergic to food items. If sugar is a main ingredient, diabetics should know, if sodium is a ingredient then those with high blood pressure should be aware. Several young children have trained dogs that will steer them away from anything that might contain nuts or a scent of a nut. Severe allergic reactions seem to be prominent which should be the push for labels. Though our bag labels provide the our ingredients,  people still ask, "What's in here?" We provide a large print 8 x 11 paper and if they still cannot read it, we read it for them. "Well, that's just like people food!" is a comment we hear often.  They purchase, come back and bring people with them. It's just good business!

Thanks friends! Have a great week!

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