Saturday, September 5, 2015

Buster's Breakfast

July 29, 2015 our West Highland Terrier was diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin is the only way to regulate and for dogs, it can take months. We are half way there, beginning our sixth week and Buster can tell you, its been long. We give him two shots, after breakfast and again after supper. We're getting quicker, incentive of treats is most helpful and he likes fresh veggies. We let him smell the capped syringe and make sure the insulin isn't cold. We read daily and have learned much.  Injections are in his hip area. He can still reach us and we need to be quicker. Each week coming up with a new idea.

Coming back.
Sometimes he's lethargic, but as the weeks have gone by, we once again see characteristics of his breed return. He initiates play, runs to the gate and barks at passing big brown trucks. He has even surprised himself by jumping from his chair onto hardwood floors. His legs go out from underneath, quickly getting up as we run back into the room. "Impatient today?"

Carlee watches from afar
How can we not help him, he's family. Gravity is taking advantage. His nightly massages prove loose skin and counting of ribs. We can now feel his butt bones. Diabetes, once regulated, will gain some weight back. We pray that is soon. Us girls visited, Carlee helps out.

The vet and the girls that work at the clinic dote on him while he is there. He  climbs onto the scale by himself. He does better each day. In time. There is a verse in the song, "The Other Side" 'On the other side of doubt is faith; on the other side of pain lies strength; the journey may seem endless when you know the road is rough, but on the other side of fear is love.'   This is doable.

Have a good week friends, help those that cross your path that need some help. We'll continue to do the same.