Several months ago looking at the work calendar I decided it was time to take a few days of annual so we could drive to the cemetery where family is buried, place flowers, visit while painting statues and visit friends with health problems. Just so happens that has touched closer to home.
Namesake of my Grandmother |
Last week waking with horrible vertigo and migraine, lasting several days asking my brother if he would drive me to the clinic. As the days have gone by, the cemetery wasn't visited several hours away, flowers not placed, statues not painted. Rain had dampered the projects and family placed flowers for us.

Vertigo lingers, it off balances your body, you cannot wish on anyone. But our days of annual have given us much needed time for the dogs, napping, working in the yard, potting memorial flowers, being home when the storms roll through. Comfort for all of us. Our watch and jewelry are not worn at home, we are on God's time, warmed with His blessings, nourish and replenish our bodies, life and home. Needed. Faith will give us new direction and unnecessary anxiety will leave our body. We love early mornings, listening to the songbirds, planning for the new day and if it falls through it's okay. Less worries and that is our goal. Through Him all things are possible.
Blessings to you friends, enjoy your week!