Sunday, January 27, 2013


much younger than 84, but it's how old Buster turned this week. I don't have a current picture of him to post, but I do have a picture in my mind that our friend and Vet painted for us during his annual exam. As always I have questions and in turn she has answers. His eyes have cataracts and floaters. His teeth have some tartar build up and will need some work to keep his good health to better and  we've changed out pills to drops. All in all, he's doing pretty good. We will continue with our daily routine without much change. As he's gotten older he appreciates the warm hugs, whispers in his ears, greetings and scratching of ears and tummy.

Our prairie looking past happy hairy!
Today he and I walked to the mailbox to pick up the weekend mail and he wandered through the tall prairie grass, we ended taking the long way home, but it's only in dormant Winter time that we walk to the barbed fence where horses once greeted us. He poked his nose in holes that are sleeping and watered scat from animals that wander through and rest. He takes his time smelling, I remind him to pee on it so we can move on. He comply's and walks gingerly on the frosted foliage. He picked up only a few sand burrs and one he let me yank out from the soft of his paw. I see a few others he has chewed out and left on the floor for me to pick up before we crunch into carpet with slippered feet. He lays close by and snores. He's always snored, a comforting sound.

It'll be a quiet day today, yesterday we baked Love and Spring shapes for customers that enjoy just "shapes" of treats for their "loves". They'll dry over the next several days and most will be taken to Bliss, a storefront shop in Pierre that asked if we wouldn't place our treats in their shop. A convenience for customers and they discover more when walking through. A win for all of us. The sun has finally come out, it'll be a nap in the sun today surrounded by fur I'm sure. Just the way we like it here. Home. Family. Loves life.

Take care friends, have a great week!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Friends and more friends...

Christmas 2012
With Christmas over, our year has gotten busier than usual. It's best, after all we are home baking, warming our home while the brrr remains outside. With hot water brewing, our baking routine quickly returns. From making the dough, rolling, cutting individual treats and baking.

A few friends.
Buster lays on the red rug in front of the oven. The same spot he chose when he came home. He is 12 today, you wouldn't guess it,  we've changed out his food to help with his joints last Summer. World of difference, like he is 6 again! My boy. With much love.

Over Christmas we grabbed our Santa hat and ho, ho, hoped to see our critters at the door for their treats. Some were hung on tree's, some on cupboard knobs and some packaged in a box under the tree. Our reminder was to simply give the treats when packages were opened. Dogs are not just dogs, but parts of family, most eat in our kitchens, some sleep in our beds, many ride with us, lay on the bathroom rug while we get ready for work and sit and wait for our return as we leave for the day. Family.

Ready to go
Our ornaments appeared a few years ago when a Dad asked if we could do something special for his Polly for Christmas. We have all sorts of seasonal cutters, but the large bone worked best to make them "theirs". Polly's Dad was pleased, supposedly, so was Polly. For the customers of dogs that we know, over 60 were made this year, shipped and delivered. In hopes that our bubble-wrap, padded envelopes or small boxes keep the treats safe on their trip across country, we've haven't heard otherwise.

On that positive note, we hope you are well, healthy, wiser into this new year and warm in your homes. Help those that call for your help if only to direct them to those that can help more.
Have a great week friends!