Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today, on this very hot day, was Crazy Days and the Farmer's Market was invited. We lined our tent tops through the middle of the street and braved the heat. One of my neighbor's was Star Bright and her Mom. I did enjoy their company and Starbright enjoyed our treats, among all the other treats she received. Many children held out their hands to feed her cracked corn and molasses. Isn't she beautiful!

Our day started at 5:30am and we wouldn't be able to do long days away without help from friends. Mid-afternoon we soon packed up our tents and belongings heading to cooler air in vehicles. The trip home seemed long, but the love of the dogs burst out the door and greetings of hyper-hello's was all around.

Leaving the larger items in the vehicle until cooler temps of Sunday morning, we are in cool air and having cool drinks. The air now stagnant outside, the flowers have had their fill of cool water. It'll be early to bed and as always, early to rise.

Stay cool friends and your critters too!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bake, bake, bake

With the weather hot and humid outside, who in their right mind would be baking all day inside...well, I know some people have questioned us before, we baked all day. We started early and stopped about 4:30, whew! Whilted we were.

With Crazy Dayz stairing at us in the face for next week, inventory is being replenished. We always have something for all size dogs from our bone shapes to our "Scene South Dakota?!" Of course, if the dogs don't like'm, people can eat them too! We share at home too, the other night after mowing, I brought a pint of cold water to the deck and let Carlee out. Watering the flowers I turned around to the tune of lapping water, Carlee was sharing. That's my girl!

The weekend has flown by, with a little help with the wind, but the sunrise and
sunsets have been spectacular in color, we're thinking from fires where the half rainbow floated from I'm not sure, but a surprise indeed. On that note, we await for tonite's sunset then early to bed and early to rise.

Enjoy your week friends and stay cool! Your critters too!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Four more years...

Four more years, how many times do we hear that during campaigns?! We're not running for public office, our Trademark was do this year, which gives us another 4 more years bringing you and your dogs treats to the highest standard we know, that's just good business! With love from our dogs to yurs!

As we all feel the sweltering heat around us, the market today was often stagnant. Each vendor was placing cold packs of sorts around necks, back of neck and onto hot faces. The crowds came in spurts, but all did well and we eagerly waited the last 10 minutes to 1pm, the heat and humidity was doing us in. A bank thermometer was filled with a 100 degree temperature and we are thankful for cool air.

Not all people or animals are as lucky, in hopes that neighbors watch over, help where needed and pray for cooler temps.
Stay cool friends.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

She is 6 today!

Today is Carlee's birthday, it was sweltering hot when she was rescued from the harsh sun and surrounding elements, but if I look for her now she's most likely laying at the foot of the bed looking into the hallway in case I walk by she can follow. My shadow and forewarner (it's a word now). She has surprised us with 2 howls today, a mournful sound, but I do like it.

Using Grandma's recipe, a rhubarb cake was made. It's the heavy cream that makes it so moist. Their share was small and they liked it, a lot, scouring the floor for crumbs. Taking the cake to work, with her photo in a birthday frame and sharing with my co-workers and many stopped by wishing her a wonderful day.

Thank you to friends for wishing Carlee the same, her golden birthday. I truly believe she likes our family, friends, home and blessings. Those are good presents.
Enjoy your week and stay cool.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day...

Celebration began early this morning at the cabin, Buster slept until 6:35am, then it was up and at'm. Sleeping past 6am on a holiday/weekend is something to celebrate for this human. The kids have been lazy, other than our early Sunday morning mile walk, they lay and fetch isn't touched.

Popping of fireworks, is a sound of storms to them, they stick close as if ankle weights. Their exercise is laying in front of the fan and stretching. Yesterday's market was wonderful, saw many friends including Buddy and Angus. Buddy is a Great Dane mix, reminds me of a big Carl from the children's books and Angus is a growing up but not out pup, happy to roll over for a tummy rub and shake your hand. Just a happy boy!

Last week on our outing, the dogs did well at a country kennel and I caught a quick pix of fireworks, I forgot how loud they are when we were showered upon after their quick colorful display. Enjoy your 4th of July, celebrate and be safe!

Saturday, July 2, 2011