Friday, May 27, 2011

Update...Little girl lost...

The little white dog has been adopted. My heart smiled when I heard the news!

Thursday afternoon drew me to the river by the Causeway in Pierre. Tree's that I had watch grow on a small island were now covering with quick currents of water and I knew that I would soon be in someone's way and began to drive home when out like a flash a small white dog w/ a black spot on it's butt zipped out into traffic.
Scared, frantic and quick, she didn't know where to turn. I pulled off to the side of the street, waving my arms asking people to stop while I walked to her. She didn't know me and zipped back to the other side, again holding my hands up to pass safely I asked where her parents were, she barked, I stooped down and said, "Honey, where do you live?" She walked to me and hung her head.
I scratched her ears and walked to two ladies sitting in a driveway. It just so happens this little pup, Jack Russell mix, had been in this area for several days. People friendly, leather collar, likes kids. She stuck close, eventually laying her head in my lap. She let me pick her up when someone came to take her to be checked over. She's out of harm's way, fed and watered and the worse thing I could do was name her. I named her Molly, because by golly the good Lord was watching over her until someone or I helped her out.
There might be many pets that will need our help in this flood area, please keep an eye out for the critters and help where you can, we will do the same.
Stay safe friends.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One tree, two, three and then another...

Neighbors had given us some one stick fruit trees several years ago, we planted and then lost them, so we thought. On our nightly watering, we have stumbled over several exclaiming, "what, another one!" They get water, will need transplanting, but leaves have sprouted and they'll be fenced this fall with the new ones.

I imagine all the fruit we'll be able to harvest some day, within a year or two.
There's something about knowing where the fruit you eat comes from, plucking straight from the tree, I miss it.

A beautiful evening, wind has finally gone down, the cloudy skies are quiet and the bugs must be at the neighbors and here we are inside telling you about it. Get outside, we go!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Outstanding in our field...

Yes, we do have a field, it has tall new grass that is beautiful as it blows in the wind. We were measuring and planting tree's. Two apple and a pear, no partridge, but am sure there will be a meadowlark.

Last Monday we turned off the heat, Wednesday we turned it back on, today we baked and we just turned it way down...rain and cool comes again soon. So how's your Spring? We've been good busy and hope you have too.

Just a quick note, we hadn't forgotten about you.
Take care friends, enjoy your week!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What a beautiful day...

We opened the windows and door screens to let the air cross through, is that fresh I smell! Mmm, wonderful. Carlee's a bit spooked about the whole deal when she preferred to nap indoors as I found her partially under the bed. We planted a couple of flowering crab tree's today, they are so tall they bent over hitting the windshield. We welcomed them home and in hopes pollinate with Burt our remaining flowering crab. Ernie was snapped off at the base in a strong wind last fall. Perhaps Big Bird and another Ernie for names.

I've scoured the ground looking for the hostas and fern's, my sister is sure they'll return from the root. We have yet to purchase Memorial Day flowers, but til then, we need to dust off the peace lily and scoop Carlee up for a hug. Buster has enjoyed running, napping and running and watering the fruit tree's. He is a happy boy!
Life, it is good and we are blessed. We are blessed because of you too, enjoy and bless your animals with a treat or two.